Insomni'hack Teaser 2024 - Unnamed Web3


The Unnamed Web3 challenge is based around a smart contract as well as a Flask web app. The web app offers DNS resolution, with the smart contract being used to store the domains, IPs and owners.

The WebApp Link to heading

The web app can be used to call the functions of the smart contract easily. It offers interfaces to register a domain, initiate a domain transfer, and transfer a domain. Additionally, the app gives you a domain to which it will send the flag on request. As all domains that you can register end in “.inso”, and the flag domain ends in “.flag” you can never register it the intended way.

The Smart Contract Link to heading

The smart contract is the backbone of the application and stores the data on the domains. It has public functions which allow users to register domains, initiate transfers, handle the transfers, and change the IP of a domain.

Analysis Link to heading

As the domain can’t be registered the original way due to registerInsoDomain() appending “.inso” to any registered domain there must be a different way to get a hold of the domain.

function registerInsoDomain(
    string memory domain,
    string memory ip
) public payable {
    require(msg.value == 1 ether, "Registration fee is 1 ETH");

    domain = string.concat(domain, ".inso");
        domains[domain].owner == address(0),
        "Domain already registered"

    DomainDetails memory newDomain = DomainDetails({
        owner: msg.sender,
        ip: ip

    domains[domain] = newDomain;

    emit DomainRegistered(domain, msg.sender, ip);

The only other way to become the owner of an IP is to call the transferDomain() function with valid transfer codes.

function transferDomain(
    string memory domain,
    string memory ip,
    bytes memory transferCode
) public {
    if (!verify(domain, msg.sender, transferCode)) {
        revert("Invalid transfer code");

    DomainDetails memory newDomain = DomainDetails({
        owner: msg.sender,
        ip: ip

    domains[domain] = newDomain;

    emit DomainTransfered(domain, msg.sender, ip);

Unfortunately, these transfer codes are checked in the verify() function which will check if they were signed by the signer address. These codes get generated in the flask app which on call to /transfer-codes will check if the event TransferInitiated() has been emitted by the smart contract, and in this case, will generate the transfer for the transferrable domain. When one checks the initiateTransfer() function, one can see that it can only be called for domains of which we are the owner.

function initiateTransfer(
    string memory domain,
    address destination
) public {
        domains[domain].owner == msg.sender,
        "Transfer must be initiated by owner"

    emit TransferInitiated(domain, destination);

Now the last part of the analysis is to find out how the signing process works. To see this we can look at the verify() function.

function verify(
    string memory domain,
    address owner,
    bytes memory signature
) private view returns (bool) {
    domain = string(abi.encodePacked(domain, "."));

    uint8 partCount = 0;
    for (uint i = 0; i < bytes(domain).length; i++) {
        if (bytes(domain)[i] == ".") {
            require(partCount <= 64, "too many dots");

    bytes32[] memory parts = new bytes32[](partCount);
    uint8 partIndex = 0;
    string memory part;
    for (uint i = 0; i < bytes(domain).length; i++) {
        if (bytes(domain)[i] == ".") {
            part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, partCount - partIndex));
            bytes32 tmp;
            assembly {
                tmp := mload(add(part, 32))
            parts[partIndex] = tmp;
            part = "";
        } else {
            part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, bytes(domain)[i]));

    for (uint i = 0; i < partCount; i++) {
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v = uint8(signature[i * 65 + 64]);
        assembly {
            r := mload(add(signature, add(32, mul(i, 65))))
            s := mload(add(signature, add(64, mul(i, 65))))
        bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(parts[i], owner));
        require(ecrecover(hash, v, r, s) == signer, "Invalid signature");

    return true;

While looking complex the behavior can be explained in simple terms.

  1. The domain gets split into parts at the dots
  2. The number of the part gets appended to the part
  3. Each part gets signed by the signer

Exploit Link to heading

So after analyzing we have to find a way how to get control over the flag domain. The domain is structured as randomString.insomnihack.flag. While we can easily get signatures for the random string and insomnihack parts by registering a domain called randomString.insomnihack.inso and then initiating a transfer of the domain, the flag part is more tricky. As the index of the part (which is ordered in reverse) gets appended to the part, we would need to get a signature for the string flag1.

To solve this problem we have to take a deeper look at how the splitting and signing process works. Especially how parts get added to the array of parts.

if (bytes(domain)[i] == ".") {
    part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, partCount - partIndex));
    bytes32 tmp;
    assembly {
        tmp := mload(add(part, 32))
    parts[partIndex] = tmp;
    part = "";
} else {
    part = string(abi.encodePacked(part, bytes(domain)[i]));

To see the issue here requires some minor assembly knowledge to see what the small assembly part does. The mload opcode will load the next 32 bytes from the provided pointer and store it in tmp. As a result of this everything of a part that is longer than 32 bytes will be omitted, including the appended index. So to circumvent the safety measure one can register a domain which will be flag1[27 zeroes].inso. In the next step, the splitter will append the index so the part becomes flag1[27 zeroes]2. As the 2 is in the 33rd byte it will be lost and only flag1[27 zeroes] will be hashed. As keccak256 will pad everything to 32 bytes, the hash is the same as for the string "flag1" which will be padded with 27 zeroes by keccak.

After calling initiateTransfer and receiving transfer codes by calling /transfer-codes we can move on to the last part of the exploit. We can just reorder the transfer codes so that they fit the domain randomString.insomnihack.inso and transfer the domain to ourselves. When we look at the /send-flag endpoint of the web app, we can see that it will forward the flag via a post request to our user-provided ip. So we can either directly change the ip in the transfer call or do it afterward using the contracts updateIp() function. Now we have to just open up a listener on port 80 and receive the flag.

Files Link to heading